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Tetris is a very popular game that has served as an inspiration for many puzzle-style, tile- matching video games we have. It is a classic. The fan base is growing every year because there are many variations of the game each with its own adjustments and different ways of gameplay. Each of these variations have concepts such as, speed increase, special effects, music and theme differences, colours, world environments, game boards and number of tetrominoes/shapes possible to clear rows, new bonus awards other than getting a Tetris in the game, for example DodecaTetris and OctoTetris.

Recently, the Tetris industry provided another variation called Tetris effect that heavily focuses on effects and somewhat time manipulation which has helped the Tetris community experience another addition of the game.

This project seeks to provide a new variation of the Tetris game, a harder and more compelling version. Previous variations kept the hold and next feature which just makes the game too easy, especially for the Experts. This Tetris project will remove them and may only make them available by earning scores and levels for a temporary time. This project will also include an augmented reality integration to give its final edge.

The current literature on this Tetris game variation is examined in order to clearly describe what has been done, what has worked, and the challenges that have arisen in this context. To achieve the intended goal, a methodology and design approach were established based on the literature research.
